The first half of the year has seen dramatic change where commodities are concerned. At the beginning of the year there appeared to be a balance between tailwinds from China’s post-COVID recovery and headwinds from the US, EU, and the rest of the OECD. That has given way to an unexpected reversal in the roles of China and the US, with Chinese growth and demand languishing and the US seeing a little-predicted surge in oil demand.
Commodities market price returns, YTD 2023
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Source: Citi Research, Bloomberg
Several wildcard issues have emerged. One in particular has a potentially huge, unexpected impact on commodities: a potential ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. Other wildcard risks can also be massively impactful by the end of this year.
Here are a few of them:
The full Citi Research report, published on 17 July 2023, is available to Velocity subscribers here: Summertime Doldrums or Fireworks?
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