CCCIT's securities are backed by credit card receivables originated and serviced by Citibank, N.A. (rated Moody's Aa3/ S&P A+/ Fitch A+). Citibank became seller of receivables to, and servicer of, the Master Trust as a result of its merger with Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. on July 1, 2011. The eligibility criteria for the receivables that can be sold to the Master Trust include the following: the receivables must be from accounts owned by Citibank or an affiliate; the cardholders must not have been in a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy proceeding; the receivables must be denominated in U.S. dollars.
CCCIT securities are issued in the form of notes, governed by New York law. CCCIT issues three classes of securities: Class A (rated Aaa/AAA/AAA), Class B (rated A2/AA/A), and Class C (rated Baa2/A/BBB). Classes B and C are subordinated to Class A and are part of the credit enhancement structure. The issuance of CCCIT Class B and C securities is independent of the issuance of Class A securities, however, Class A and Class B securities cannot be issued if the required enhancement for that Class (Classes B and C for A; Class C for B) is insufficient.