Citi recently launched a new GPS report, "What Machines Can’t Master", focusing on how human skills can thrive in an AI Age. With more jobs becoming increasingly susceptible to automation, we are in urgent need to pivot to new durable human skills (DHS) through continuous learning to futureproof our careers. As part of the continued conversation on this topic, Wenyan Fei, Associate Research Analyst, Citi with Margo Griffith, Principal Skills Consultant, Edalex discuss how Edalex is helping democratise L&D, credentialise DHS and foster the adoption of skills wallet.
Key topics covered:
Citi’s Rob Garlick asks Marshall Goldsmith, the world’s leading executive coach and award-winning leadership author, about the human skills that will be more important or valuable as Artificial Intelligence continues to advance.
The conversation starts with Marshall explaining why his is giving his new AI-powered coaching bot away to all for free and finishes on the most important lessons Marshall has learnt over his extraordinary career. A link to Marshall’s bio and his new coach bot can be found here.