
Our Solutions for Healthcare Companies

The rapidly evolving healthcare industry is forcing many companies into a difficult situation: disrupt or be disrupted. Regardless of your exact product or service, with advancements in wearable technology and telehealth, the consumerization of healthcare, and revolutions in surgery and pharmaceuticals, your competitive environment is almost certainly changing around you every day, and you no longer have the luxury of maintaining the status quo.

The same is true of your banking. If it isn’t set up to be scalable, or is hindered by a series of providers or correspondent banking arrangements, you could run into challenges at every turn, with your banking serving as an obstacle rather than an enabler. Citi understands this pressure to constantly adapt, as we’ve supported the growth cycle of many preeminent healthcare companies for decades. We can help you find efficiencies with your treasury through automation, or enable you to integrate seamlessly with us, so that you can spend less time on your payments and receivables, and more time developing the next life-saving or life-changing healthcare product.

Common objectives of Healthcare companies that we can help you achieve:


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