Environmental & Social Policies

Environmental & Social Policies

Managing the environmental and social risks associated with client transactions is an important component of how we do business. Citi has a long history of co-founding and adopting industry-leading initiatives that have fundamentally changed the way financial institutions approach environmental and social risk, and we adhere to internationally-recognized environmental and social principles and frameworks. We continue to monitor for new, emerging risks and update our policies based on the changing risk landscape.

Environmental & Social Policy Framework

Our framework helps us identify potential risks within the billions of dollars in global transactions we facilitate worldwide, and effectively assess and manage the environmental and social risks associated with financing client activities in sectors with sensitive environmental and social impacts.

Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) Policy Overview

Project-related Risk Categorization

Policy Prohibitions

Areas of High Caution

Sector-Specific Requirements

Human Rights and Modern Slavery

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Our Commitment

Our Commitment

As a bank with a global footprint, we have an important role in helping to responsibly transition to a low-carbon economy.
Net Zero

Net Zero

A net zero commitment means working with all our clients and helping them in their own low-carbon transitions.

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