
U.S. Supreme Court Delivers Landmark Civil Rights Decision

June 16, 2020
Bob Annibale, Citi Pride Affinity Co-lead

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court issued a 6-3 landmark decision prohibiting workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. For the first time in history, freedom from workplace discrimination is the law of the land for all LGBT+ people in the United States.

The court clearly ruled that an employer who fires an individual based on sexual orientation or gender identity violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This decision, 56 years after the passage of Title VII, also establishes important precedent for LGBT+ protections under other federal Civil Rights laws, including the Fair Housing Act.

Some U.S. states and courts have not previously fully recognized these rights and protections with regard to the LGBT+ employees. Citi, however, has long respected the civil and employment rights of all our employees no matter where they live or work, and we have firmly supported LGBT+ equality and protections.

We were proud that last year we stood alongside more than 200 businesses, led by the Human Rights Campaign and key civil rights and LGBT+ organizations, in signing an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to secure these rights. We thank our colleague Jo-Anne Kelly, head of Employment Law, who consulted with the Human Rights Campaign and its attorneys in the drafting stages of this important brief.

As we continue to celebrate Pride Month, let's pause to acknowledge all those who worked to make this long-awaited victory possible for our LGBT+ colleagues and neighbors.

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