
Making Meaningful Impact Globally With Local Efforts

July 30, 2019Ed SkylerExecutive Vice President | Enterprise Services and Public Affairs
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This year's Global Community Day reminded us of the many reasons why our annual day of service has become such a cherished tradition at our company. In over 400 cities across 90 countries and territories, 120,000 Citi volunteers – colleagues, community partners, family and friends – participated in a wide range of service opportunities that made a real positive impact in their communities.

CEO Mike Corbat joined colleagues in Toronto, Canada, helping to preserve a manmade conservation park that has become a popular refuge in the city. In Thailand, Citi volunteer divers improved the local marine habitat by removing discarded nets and debris from coral beds, as part of their "Save the Ocean – Clean the Sea" project. To help revitalize a local neighborhood in Brazil, Citi volunteers installed bike racks, cleared litter and planted flowerbeds. Aligning their efforts with Pathways to Progress, volunteers in Kuwait, the U.K. and Australia coached and mentored young people looking to improve their job and career prospects. In Zambia, volunteers improved access to clean water at a children's hospital. In Mexico, Citibanamex volunteers coordinated a national food drive and supported Paralympic athletes, deepening our partnership with the International Paralympic Committee. Here in New York City, along with dozens of colleagues, I rolled up my sleeves to wash and wax vintage aircraft on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.

All of these service opportunities supported our collective contribution to advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including: Zero Poverty (SDG 1); Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3); Quality Education (SDG 4); Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6); Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10); Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11); Climate Action (SDG 13); Life Below Water (SDG 14); and Life On Land (SDG 15).


The exceptional dedication of our Citi volunteers is one of the reasons the Civic 50 recently named Citi one of the most community-minded companies in the United States for the seventh year in a row. The national non-profit Points of Light established the Civic 50 to acknowledge corporate citizens setting the bar for civic engagement in the U.S.

To learn more about how Citi is enabling growth and progress around the world, check out our annual Global Citizenship Report.

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