
These Impactful Nonprofits Jumpstart Their Journeys as Community Progress Makers

June 01, 2018

What happens when you bring leaders from 40 visionary nonprofits together in one room? Partnerships are formed, new strategies are developed, and progress is kicked into high gear.

On May 22-23, the Citi Foundation 2018 Community Progress Makers met in Miami to share how they're increasing economic opportunity in low-income communities across the U.S. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez welcomed the group and spoke about the urgent need to create more inclusive communities that serve everyone.Community Progress Makers 2018_ 1"These next two years are going to be incredible," tweeted attendee Rebecca Fishman Lipsey, who is working to develop a capacity-building hub with The Miami Foundation. "Surrounded by superheroes from across the nation, focused on increasing equity and opportunity. Citi [Foundation] you have outdone yourselves."Community Progress Makers 2018_ 2During the convening, a panel of returning Community Progress Makers reflected on how they've used the funding to evolve from "doers" into "influencers." The organizations also worked in small groups to discuss topics including increasing community engagement, while the Urban Institute led a conversation about evaluating and describing impact. Yet another discussion, led by Citi Ventures, the firm's innovation engine, explored human-centered design-thinking.

Community Progress Makers 2018_ 3"We are leaving Miami this afternoon inspired, equipped, and connected with a great crew of #ProgressMakers from around America," shared DC-based nonprofit Groundswell.

Community Progress Makers 2018_ 4Launched in 2015, the $20 million Community Progress Makers Fund offers core operating support and technical assistance to high-impact community organizations. Learn how the Citi Foundation is supporting their work by visiting

Community Progress Makers Infographic 2018

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