
Citi Joins NYC Mayor's Carbon Challengeto Reduce Greenhouse Gases atGlobal Headquarters

January 25, 2017Don CallahanHead of Operations and Technology, Citi
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Work is well underway in transforming Citi's Global Headquarters located at 388 Greenwich Street into a modern, world-class facility that supports Citi's businesses and functions, enabling employees to connect and work more closely together, and to better serve our clients and customers. We recognize that it's not enough to talk about the importance of sustainability, but to make it a priority in all that we do.

And that's why today we're joining the NYC Mayor's Carbon Challenge, a citywide leadership initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in many of the largest commercial buildings in the city by 30% in 10 years. Citi and other New York-based commercial owners and tenants joining the challenge represent more than 58 million square feet of real estate, contributing to a total of 322 million square feet of real estate, a sizeable footprint across our city.

Citi's participation in the Mayor's Challenge aligns with our global Sustainable Progress strategy, which also includes ambitious environmental footprint goals, and our $100 Billion Environmental Finance Goal, all part of our deepening commitment to environmental and social risk management.

Nearly everything about our redesigned headquarters – from its design to its technology – incorporates sustainability goals and initiatives that will support Citi's mission of enabling progress.

A few highlights include:

  • Cogeneration plant - Citi will reduce our annual carbon footprint by 30%, in part due to a new Cogeneration plant that will produce heat and electrical power.
  • Improved air quality - The new building design will improve indoor air quality through use of low-emitting (fewer contaminants) adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, flooring and composite woods. Citi will install Direct Outside Air Systems (DOAS) and a Demand Ventilation Control Monitoring system to optimize air quality based on building occupancy.
  • Smart lighting - The building design includes LED Lighting that can reduce energy cost by ~5%. Dimming controls and occupancy sensors further contribute to energy savings.
  • Resource conservation - Citi expects to recapture approximately 2 million gallons of water annually from the building roof. We will use some of this water for landscaping rather than using potable water.
  • Water conservation - Through the use of water-conserving plumbing fixtures, we will save nearly 100,000 gallons of drinking water per day.
  • Recycled materials and waste diversion - To reduce the amount of construction and demolition waste that we dispose of in landfills and incineration facilities, Citi is diverting nearly 98% of the waste from renovations to facilities that recover, reuse, and recycle materials.
  • Targeting LEED Platinum certification - Our focus on sustainable building practices and materials for all aspects of the renovation process will enable us to pursue the highest level of LEED certification once the building is complete.
  • Ice Storage Plant - To improve energy efficiency, an Ice Storage Plant has been installed that produces ice overnight to cool the building during the day. This system will reduce our demand for electricity during peak periods.
  • Plaza Renovation - The public plaza is being fully redesigned and renovated. New walkways, a multitude of seating options, and new landscaping will create a more appealing environment for our neighbors in Tribeca.

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