
Reflecting on Service: Molly Chen Shares Experience Helping Children of Migrant Workers

June 24, 2013Molly ChenCiti
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Global Community Day brought together more than 65,000 Citi volunteers from 95 countries for a day of service. In honor of this continued service, Citi Volunteers are sharing their stories of commitment to improving their local communities.

Molly Chen, a Citi volunteer and employee in the Public Sector Group of Citi China, shares her unique story in the Q&A below. Molly's service has helped children of migrant workers in a local Chinese vocational school learn basic English and improve their financial literacy.

What organization did you work with on Global Community Day last year and what work did you do with them?

Last year, I helped support a local vocational school. The event was magnificent and well-received both by the students and Citi volunteers. I felt honored to have coordinated the baking group and hosted the celebration party. Students from this school are migrant youth from low-income families, who often find themselves isolated from urban life. Therefore, our interactions with them helped expand their worldview and fostered a sense of positivity in their daily life.

We taught them basic English language skills as well as financial literacy. The latter is especially important for these youth as they're rarely exposed to financial education and are not aware of the importance of forming healthy financial habits.

How did the volunteering you did alongside the organization you worked with contribute to improving the community?

All of the students are children of migrant workers. Migrant workers typically are underprivileged, making it difficult to provide for their children. Through the Global Community Day event with the vocational school, we strengthened the relationship between Citi and the community, provided financial support to the school and the students, and also stimulated the students' interests in personal finance.

What are you most proud of from your volunteering experience?

Helping others brings the feeling of happiness. For me, watching the big and sincere smiles on students' faces is the most rewarding part of volunteering.

In what ways do you think volunteering makes a difference?

Volunteering is beneficial to individuals and the community, as a whole. Showing care and compassion for others contributes to a healthier, more prosperous community.

What organization did you volunteer with this on this year's Global Community Day?

This year, I chose to once again volunteer at an event in support of the economic and social development of young people, specifically migrant youth.

To learn more about Citi's Global Community Day 2013, visit the Citi Facebook Page or follow the conversation on twitter by searching #CitiVolunteers


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