Why are we reaching an inflection point and why should businesses care about digital assets?
As Steve Jobs famously said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Financial services have evolved enormously over the past few decades. Technology has helped accelerate transaction speeds, instant payment systems are proliferating, and direct-toconsumer (D2C) financial applications have grown at an unprecedented rate. In addition, although a large gap still exists, more people than ever have access to financial services thanks in part to the advent of mobile wallets (a virtual wallet that stores payment card information on a mobile device). The increased accessibility, and speed of financial services and transactions has created new business models and opportunities for organizations to not only improve efficiency but also grow their businesses.
Turning to digital assets. There has been a proliferation of headlines about cryptocurrencies and blockchainin recent years — especially during the pandemic. Yet, there’s much more to digital assets beyond Bitcoin or Ethereum.
How is Citi thinking about this?